Yet so many seek it and desire to make it yield to them, take notice of them and scoop them up and coddle them with
affectionate words and liquid soft kisses for the rest of eternity. Sadly, this is not at all true. Love is not a person or a thing that is capable of finding a person and lacks the ability to encompass and overtake all aspects of said persons life.
I used to think that I had to wait for Love to come to me and place me in the center of the whirlwind that so many people talk about. I used to believe, foolishly, that once I found love everything else would magically fall into place and my life would gain that gold-coated fairytale substance that leads to happily
ever after in beautiful marital bliss. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening.
On one hand, I was stupid to think that love can fix everything and anything. That love can make a broken person whole, no matter how much you adored the person (or they adored you), no matter how good the sex was, no matter how "dynamic" you appeared to everyone else. On the other hand, I continued to seek it, even though this enigmatic sensation, concept, desire had caused me much heartbreak and pain. If you don't have a clear definition of what love truly is, it can lead you in circles and make you go mad, searching for something that is so concrete to everyone, but fails to exist for you because you
don't know what
love truly is. You see, my
epiphany, revelation, whatever pretty synonym you want to call it,
occurred when I evaluated myself, and all of my failed/botched
relationships, to see what I was doing wrong, why the love I had for that person, and the love that said person had for me, was never enough to go the distance. Well, after much thought and painful
deliberation, I came to the realization that I had no
freakin clue what being in love really meant.
Love is not a ride. It's work.
It's a choice. It's a decision you have to stick with. My best friend and my lover once told me that you can "fall in love" with whoever you spend most of your time with. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I realized that what he said was totally true. YOU make the choice to stick it out with the person you're with, or abandon them for easier walking. YOU make the choice whether you want to put aside you're selfish desires in order to see and do what is truly best for both of you. YOU make the decision to accept a person for who they are,
imperfections and all, and instead of nitpicking you
encourage them to be the best they can be,
support them as they take tentative first steps in an unknown direction, and
love them when they fall down.
People think love is a selfish emotion, but real love is the purest emotion that exists on the earth. I used to think that love was about what he could do for me, not what I could give to him. In truth, love is a
giving emotion, and the best example of what love is meant to be is the love of Jesus Christ. People think that love is this obscure thing that can't be described in simple words, a sensation that only poets can truly express, a feeling that none can really describe the same way twice. But the definition of love is plain as day as it is expressed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
"Love is patient, love is kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand it's own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth prevails. Love never gives up,never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."Doesn't sound too easy does it? It's not meant to be. If love was an easy feat to accomplish, it wouldn't be such a
wondrous and fulfilling experience. The image of love has become skewed and cheapened in this society, and too many people walk around with the WRONG idea of what love truly entails. Now, no person on this earth can uphold the above Biblical "love mantra" ALL THE TIME. We aren't perfect and there will be times you get annoyed, stay pissed off with your significant other for something that happened ten years ago...blah blah. In the same turn, the above statement does not just apply to just romantic
relationships, it should apply to EVERY meaningful
relationship you are in whether it's family or friends.
The beauty of love is when you know what it is, and you can uphold its true values,
and when someone shoots it right back at you. When you put the word of God, and God himself, in the middle of the will flourish because He will introduce you to the concept of
unconditional love. Now this does not apply to abusive
relationships (as any person with common sense SHOULD know) however, knowing what love really is will allow you to truly love others and love yourself.
In regards to myself, when I stopped looking for love and started living it, It blossomed before me in a beautiful
relationship that has only flourished over the years. There's none of that "I'll die for you," "I can't live without you," stuff. Instead, my lover is my best friend whom I can tell anything to without fear of being judged or cast aside. He is an
unbelievable support system who can cheer me when I'm right but will quickly let me know when I'm wrong. He loves me flaws and I'm undoing all the incorrect conceptions I have learned throughout my dating life to do the same. It's an ongoing and a forever changing process.
Love is an action word. Love is not something to live or die for. Love is not a knight or beautiful princess that will walk out of the glorious sunrise to kiss you
passionately and rescue you from whatever evil lonely
circumstance you are in. The best way to find love, is to really know what it truly means. Only then, can you hope to experience it (devoid of any pitfalls, toxins and traps) for yourself.
God Bless.